Most of the car owners look for mechanics assistance when having problems with their cars from time to time. They are unable to find the right cause and remedy to the problems, and worst of all, car owners have to compromise to the problems most of the time.
As we know "precaution is better then treatment", like we take good care of our body, we should take good care of our car before it is too late. Small spending in advance is definitely a wise investment, as it has very high cost/performance in returns.
Electrical systems in our cars are interconnected to each other. To get perfect performance you need a good and harmony electrical circuit environment.
For example, if you have a old and less efficient ignition circuit in your car, you will have very poor fuel consumption, low throttle response, misfiring problem, jerking gear shift, all problems may occurred due to a single defect in another electrical problem. So to maintain optimum electrical performance in your car, we need to have a very stable voltage environment. Here comes a new electronic device – ECO-CHARGE, original patent/copyright from Japan, a multi-purpose Voltage Stabilizer with built in Battery Doctor System and Interference Reducer System.
Once you use ECO-CHARGE, your car is in best control by this product, it will solve small problems that due to unstable voltage during driving. What is more wonderful, it is so easy to installed, with just a plug into cigar-lighter socket, will activate this device. Unlike other fuel saving product, by adding chemical and tablets into the fuel tank, increase the risk of car damages.
FEEDBACK/ Testimoni
Beberapa bulan dahulu, kawan saya ada pinjamkan saya e-charge untuk saya cuba dalam pada kereta perdana V6 saya. Selepas 2 minggu mencuba, saya tidak nampak apa2 kesan. Beliau begitu hampa apabila mendengar jawapan saya. Beliu suruh saya guna lagi di kereta saya untuk seminggu lagi.. Cuba teka ... apa resultnya..? SAMA...
Selepas sebulan kemudian, ada seorang kawan saya dari Negri Sembilan meminjamkan saya I-Charge pula. Saya agak keberatan utk mencuba, kerana rasanya macam sama dengan I-charge yg saya cuba dulu, tapi oleh kerana desakan beliau, saya mencubanya selama seminggu pada V6 dan Merc saya. Guest what...!!!!!!! Hasilnya SAMA juga..
Selepas 2 bulan kemudian....
EcoFirst mengeluarkan produk yg hampir sama iaitu ECO Charge spt gambar di atas. Saya tidak begitu excited tentang produk ni kerana pengalaman mencuba I dan E Charge yang tiada kesan pada kereta saya. Lalu sy biarkan tanpa mahu mencuba. Saya tidak berminat untuk membeli ECO charge ini walaupun harganya jauh lebih murah. Dipendekkan cerita. Seminggu yg lepas, semasa balik beraya di kampung, saya TERRRR Pasang ECO Charge pada kereta Citra saya.
Wowww... saya tak sangka mendapat kesan yang begitu hebat. Saya rasa enjin Citra saya begitu licin sekali, pick up bertambah dan rasa sedap teramat sangat. Susah nak digambarkan disini. Lalu pada minggu berikutnya saya pasang satu lagi pada Merc saya.. fuh.. sy bawa dari KL ke JB, Segamat, Kuantan, Kl.. memang tak terasa.. licin/smooth dan bertambah pick up. Ini betul2 punya. bukan kerana saya dah join ecofirst, tapi ini betul2 bukan cobaan.
Minta maaf la pada kawan saya yg 2 org tadi yg pinjamkan saya I dan E Charge tu.. memang you punya tak rasa.. Masa tu saya belum join ECO lagi.. memang betul2 tak berkesan pada kereta saya. Tapi ECO Charge.. ni memang ada kelainannya...
minta testimoni dari pembaca, reply pada comment di bawah. tq
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